Christian Correspondence

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Christian Correspondence

Being Mildly Retarded:

Lori Argenzio:

2458 Kiss my Ass ok, there is no need to be an asshole, it was a simple question, I am not mildy retarded in fact I hold a 4.0 in college and am very street smart, maybe you are the one who is a damn idiot that can not accept a perfectly good question, No one is exempt from bowing their heads and closing their eyes when in prayer together, there is no excuse, carl does not need to see who accepts Jesus, because Jesus sees it and that's all that matters.

I never called him a bastard so do not put words in my mouth.Don't be jealous because I am smarter then you and ask questions, and try using spell check before you post, because it makes you look uneducated and try a thesaurus because you are burning the use of the word "retard" out and I really don't think it is politically correct to use that word. Work on those few things today, remember you learn something new each day, yours today will be spell check and a thesaurus. So type back to me when you have some more intelligence.

Ok so my question or as you say slandering,(which it was not slandering it was a real question and I wanted someone to answer it in a Biblical way) about asking why Carl doesn't bow his head etc, is petty? But making fun of his hair is intelligent or a good put down, slander whatever? You didn't answer with wisdom because you are not wise and you did nothing in love because you show no love. Tell your mommy to put you down for a nap.

And you are not saying that I am stupid, but you are calling me mildly retarded? lol come on it is the same thing.

If you had been a little nicer in your replies then I wouldn't answer you in a childish manner.


Anonymous (

24 you need to just shut up. You have no clue as to what you are talking about. "67" is right. Why bring up 17 year old "shit" -- don't you have something decent to write about? Like he said, it is kinda pitiful. You are kinda pitiful too.

Those Who Think I’m Neil:

Anonymous (

BTW if after so many years of marriage to your own spouse (Keri?) would you dump her because she has aged beyond what you like? How shallow are you? and AGAIN why are you insecure or resentful about the attention Betsy has received for what she did?

Anonymous (

24.58 sounds just like Neil Carrick who himself could NOT "keep the home fires burning". Witness his own family split up by the devices of Michael Marr, Scott Robinson, Paul Stevens, Pastor Monroe and company. Yet Neil still wants to maintain his loyalty to them, in spite of the spiritual malpractice they worked on his marriage.

A Threat For the Ages:

Anonymous (

( message is for you. You are NOT posting any facts here whatsoever. Just plain insults and ambiguity. I am in the process of decoding your IP address and reporting you to the authorities for SLANDER of not only myself, but other innocent individuals.

Personal Attacks:

RJ (

Go're an idiot

Anonymous (

Sounds like Neil (Anon 24.58) is threatened by women who can think for themselves as usual. No wonder he is so insecure.

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